It's Grammy Night, Catering My Last Grammy Event!
It’s Grammy Night!
11 years ago was the last Grammy party I catered…
I remember we had to arrive at the Biltmore Hotel by Noon, due to security restrictions. We set up our area in the largest kitchen I’ve ever worked in and then down a long ramp to the ballroom where we had our food tables. There were two restaurants serving food in each ballroom with two bars and a live band.
Knowing we would be locked down before & during the ceremony down the street, we brought in lunch from Cielito Lindo (Olvera Street) and enjoyed our taquito plates, it’s been our Grammy tradition for 4 years and not my first rodeo. THAT and I forgot we were invited to a pre-game meal in the Biltmore Employee Cafeteria.
See What Jay Eats
#2 - 2 Beef Taquitos
1 Tamal w/bean and cheese
from Cielito Lindo
(Olvera Street)
After getting a few items prepped and showing the culinary students what to do and the night’s game plan, I shared some completed dishes with the Biltmore kitchen staff, who served me whatever I wanted, while the other restaurant workers ate cafeteria meatloaf, which was very good, I had one of those too.
The event ran smoothly, maybe the smoothest event ever, as I was the operations guy expediting food from the kitchen to our chefs in the ballroom. One of the chefs told my friend I was in the kitchen and how to find me, so I was able to talk to her and her friend for a bit.
Since I had to work early Monday morning, I left by 11 pm. The party was starting to wind down, so as I was leaving, I walked around the many ballrooms, each with different restaurants serving food and drinks, and live music in each. I ended up following Dolly Parton out of the building. If I ever meet her, I’ll have to thank her for getting me out of the building as I was so lost.
Everyone was waiting for their rides at the front door, the whole block was a limo parking lot. I crossed the street to the Pershing Square parking and went home without delay.
I forgot who the chefs in the ballroom said they saw at the party, but I knew this is probably my last Grammy party and I was leaving on a high

I’d like to thank the academy…
My 5th and last Grammy Award party in the books!
(or 6th, I don’t exactly remember)
Until We Eat Again....