Exotic Meats...A Walk on the Wild Side
Photo Courtesy of Val of Trippy Food "A Walk on the Wild Side" begins... Before we get to the exotic stuff, just some background on how all of this came about. I've been fortunate to meet some really interesting and passionate food people along my food journey. While attending a restaurant tasting with food adventurer, @KristieHang , we happened to sit next to @trippyfood and @cuethecritic . A conversation began, funny thing, we've been following each other on social media and a true pleasure meeting both of them IRL. Next thing I know, exotic meats are mentioned and weeks later @trippyfood sets up a tasting at Exotic Meat Market in Perris. I love Extreme Cuisine, so I was thumbs-up for joining in. Now you're caught up... Our host, Anshu , of Exotic Meat Market . No one mentioned Thanksgiv..., I mean, the "T" word. Of course this ranch had some lambs. ...