Chef Battle - Albacore - July 2014
My foodie / food event friend, Kristie Hang , mentioned she was asked to judge a chef competition for charity. The competition will be at Scott's Restaurant in Costa Mesa, I had met Executive Chef Michael Doctulero at the Taste of South Coast Plaza, hosted by Kristie Hang , so I knew it would be great and needed to invite myself. Beautiful Plumeria trees as you enter the restaurant. Chef Michael says there are about 10 Plumeria trees. You won't see these colors on the mainland. Now for the Chef Competition Kitchen Stadium (aka Scott's Restaurant) Tonight's Main Ingredient Albacore! (L) Chef Aron Habiger from Northleft and Chef de Cuisine from Scott's Restaurant Allez Cuisine! Breaking down the albacore. Chef Aron Habiger of Northleft in Santa Ana is now plating. See What Jay Eats... Chef Aron Habiger's Albacore There's nothing better than a ...